Thanks for joining us last week for the Sky's the Limit Award presented to Vered Nohi. Thanks again to our sponsors and thank you for joining.
Emily Girgis compiled interviews she held live during the events with earlier submissions. Thanks everyone for sharing how Vered has impacted you over the past decade.
Please continue to support the PICC with your membership. Or perhaps you prefer to pay what you wish during events. That’s fine. Your investment in the PICC will pay forward with direct help to early stage companies and with events that diffuse knowledge and drive innovation.
On the most human level, it was great to have us together. Just socializing in a beautiful setting with nice people and food is the best sort of community. And community is where every good thing springs from.
I really appreciate each and everyone of you.
If we didn’t get to chat during the event, please meet me, Ravid Butz, for “Office Hours.”
Photo Lounge
Matt Baker
Beth Cohen
Neil Cooper
Alex Dembitzer
Steven Friedman
Eric Kmiec
Mike Krupit
James Pancetti
Carla Stone
Marc Tepper